Wednesday, April 29

Global Hunger

In a world of such abundance...

• 963 million people across the world are hungry, more than 500 million people are living in "absolute poverty" and more than 15 million children die of hunger every year. Every day, almost 16,000 children die from hunger related causes - that's one child every five seconds. Far more children live with undernutrition than die from it. For infants and young children, the effects of chronic malnutrition in the early years of life are largely irreversible.

• The World Health Organization estimates that one-third of the population is underfed and another third is starving. Hunger manifests itself in many ways other than starvation and famine. Most poor people who battle hunger deal with chronic undernourishment and vitamin or mineral deficiencies, which result in stunted growth, weakness and heightened susceptibility to illness.* 

• Even in the United States, 46 percent of African-American children and 49 percent of Latino children are considered chronically hungry. According to Bread for the World, 11.7 million children in U.S. households have to skip meals or eat less to make ends meet. That means one in ten households in the U.S. are living with hunger or are at risk of hunger, and these numbers are rising.

BloggersUnite is hosting another event, calling all bloggers to join together
in raising awareness on a single issue, and ways to bring Hope to it,
and this April 29th the issue is Global Hunger 

According to the United Nations World Food Program, and others, primary causes for hunger include poverty, war, lack of access (poor infrastructure, roads, etc), over population, and even natural disasters. It seems like another insurmountable issue, but there are ways that we can help begin to make a contribution for change, both locally and globally.

Ways you can help easily:
  • To donate food at no cost but a 30 seconds of your time, visit the Hunger Site daily. (While you're there you will see, for 2 minutes more of your time you can also click for donating to causes supporting literacy, animal rescue, children's healthcare, breast cancer research, etc- I just click on down the line and in a couple minutes time I've made donations to six causes I care about!) You can take the extra step by adding a link to your blog, and inviting others to click - get a gadget here.
  • Tell congress to take a stand against global hunger by signing this petition.
  • If you can afford to make a financial contribution, my favorite U.S organization is Feeding America.  Every week they assist nearly 4 million hungry people in the U.S. You can find your local food bank from their site, or contribute to the national organization and they will funnel the funds to the greatest need.  Visit their Action Center and see what else you can do.  Local food banks are desperately in need right now - every can, every penny helps and is appreciated.

Ten Things You Can Do Today to help End World Hunger from Heifer International

1. Feed your mind. Visit one of Heifer International’s learning centers to experience ways that you can make a difference.

2. Get busy. Volunteer for local or national organizations that fight world hunger and poverty. Nonprofit groups are often the strongest voice for the hungry.

3. Give. Charitable, alternative gift giving can directly support anti-hunger and sustainability efforts

4. Buy “fair”. Fair trade products ensure farmers and craftspeople in developing countries receive an adequate price for products and services and help them better support their families.

5. Go organic. Organic farming is environmentally friendly and provides a sound agricultural alternative.

6. Go and see. Join a Heifer Study Tour, where you can interact with people around the globe, learn about their communities, their lives and their struggles. You will return reinvigorated in your commitment to end hunger.

7. Bring Your Commitment home. Shop at your local farmers market and support small farmers. The food is fresher, and your dollars help those living in your community.

8. Use the Power of the Pen. Write your State and U.S. Senators and representatives to let them know that world hunger is a political issue and one of your top priorities

9. Be an Ambassador. Get your church, social group, family or civic club to help in the fight against hunger. Grassroots efforts make a dramatic difference in the lives of hungry families, as well as provide a strong voice of representation in governments.

10. Pass on the Gift. Share your knowledge with your children and encourage them to get involved in the quest to end hunger. Ensure your commitment to ending hunger will burn in the next generation.

This is just a beginning glimpse at all the information available on the topic of world hunger, it's causes and effects.
Fulfilling hunger is the most basic need we have as living beings
and everyone has the right to have that need met.

The images above are all taken from a book I did titled Eat Drink & Be Merry.
It's enclosed within a 'food pyramid' and is a collection of pages
collaged with thoughts about our most basic needs -
food and water and the many varied ways we choose to eat
(when we have such a luxury).

click on images for closer view


  1. This is such important and beautiful work. Thank you for this wealth of vital information. I grow my own food and have experienced the physical and emotional well-being that it brings x

  2. Thank you for this important reminder and the inspiration you have provided. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own 'busy-ness' that we don't give conscious thought to the plight of others not so fortunate.

    As for the book, I think it is spectacular! I love your creativity. I've been creating pyramid boxes but you have brought the concept to a whole other level.

    Sorry for not commenting more often lately. It certainly wasn't because I wasn't thinking some wonderful thoughts about your work. Just one I'll mention is your journal...What a priceless work of art that is!

    Take care, Karin.

  3. this is a stunning post. so rich in sharing ways to be truly involved in the world that we all share.
    Your pyramid book is glorious...your teaching/work is stellar. your visual images are beyond the beyond.

  4. WHOA super creative medium to pass a message. very very creative certainly. the thought reaches the heart with the images

  5. The. Coolest. Book. Ever.

    I want one.

  6. Thanks for always highlighting the important issues Karin.
    I'm gobsmacked by your amazing book in a pyramid! You are such a creative person...once again I wish we could get togather for a chat and workshop.

  7. Wonderful post! I signed the petition and am off to visit the links.

  8. This is the coolest fucking thing I have ever seen.

    Wow Karin.

    Love Renee xoxo

  9. Your welcome everyone. It's one of those topics that feels like enough can't be said about, especially being that there are simple things we can do to make an impact. Thanks to all who took part in one way or another.
    Hi Lumilyon, yeah to growing your own food! That's got to be fulfilling on a number of levels.

    Hi Sonia, thank you!! I feel you here - I understand not commenting frequently, believe me :)

    Thank you Donna xox

    Many thanks Riddhi, your childhood tale did the same for me...

    Thank you Robyn, some day - let's just put it out there :)

    Thank you Angela!! that's great :)

    Renee, you just crack me up, woman!!

  10. wow, you are amazing! these issues are so important. Great post and art.

  11. Thanks Bridgette :)
    and earthmother - I missed you up there! this book did make it's way through a show titled LAYERS, at Heights Arts Gallery in cleve hts about a year and a half ago - sorry i couldn't alert you then!

  12. Thanks for putting this out there, Karin, such an important message! I've joined Bloggers Unite and plan to post when Chronic Invisible Illness Awareness Week comes around. This is so much more critical, though I guess awareness is always a good thing. I love the pages from your book! I'll post something too, or direct people to your lovely work!


Thanks for visiting and leaving your thoughts!