Tuesday, October 21

October 21: My Studio and Process

Music by Amiina, from the album Kurr, and the song title is Kolapot.

This tutorial was fun to make - so much so that I have a few of my other books to share in film version, in the days to come!


  1. i am thinking of you!!! had a crazy day and am getting sick... but in the midst of it all, you are on my mind... here's hopin for success and healing and doing yoga again... and doing lots of fun stuff:)
    lots of love,
    ps... now i can say it loud and clear - omg i love your video!!!!!

  2. Fantastic video Karin. Thanks for having that come up for us while you recover.
    Where do you get the original journal? I am using a moleskin and I can't get it to close anymore without risking the spine. Your journal is huge!

  3. really nice video

  4. Your angels are gorgeous! I would recommend you listen to music called 100,000 Angels by Bliss. This is fabulous and uplifting. It inspires your creative process.

  5. What a wonderful video! I love seeing your process...

    How interesting that both you and your journal need to protect that fragile spine....

    You are the journal and the journal is you.

    Gorgeous studio space.

    And interesting that your sweet dog was Frida. I have often thought of Frida Khalo and how her physical pain informed her artwork, as yours frequently does.

    A silver lining to every cloud?


  6. Wow what a great video! Your angels are wonderful. Such a nice surprise to find out that you also collect words and sentences. I do to. I have many words patiently waiting to come out. First i used them to write lyrics, nowadays for poetry or as a little story.

    Thank you for sharing such a wonderful video, it lightens up my day and it's very inspiring.

    Sweet greetz i send to you.

  7. That was a very good video and learning experience. Thanks for teaching me something new. I have journals as well but we all learn from each other. thanks again.

  8. Just surfed in and saw your video of the angel page in your altered book! How cool! I have made one or 2 altered books and plan to make more. I've added you to my follow list...nice to meet you!

  9. Much appreciate you sharing this


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