Thursday, December 11

December 11


  1. I do believe it is wings...have wonderful !Now there is a gift from Heaven.;-)

  2. "how wonderful!" is what I meant;-)

  3. Georgeous. This represents very well something I've spent a lot time thinking about... the juxtaposition of the unity vs duality of life. And how, whilst we start out as this tiny being, are we really actually the same as our origins in this life time once we're grown? Are we?

  4. Hey Kim - I knew what cha meant! I know I am continually 'molting', and trying out new wings! We all gotta fly in our own way, right?

    Svasti - hmmm - that's a really good question to think about. I believe that we may just spend our entire life time re-membering who we are when we are born. That we were perfect and a part of that Oneness, a whole that we chose to break away from for some sort of Universal healing for All, done individually initially, but eventually felt in a much more expansive way. Does that make sense?


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