Sunday, June 14

June 12-14

rain, rain go away...

Admittedly, my personal preference leans towards cool, quiet, cloudy days,
but we all know that there are times when too much of a good thing gets old!
This has been such a very long cool wet spring, even I am missing the sun.

This mandala took my hands three days to complete,
but I'm happy with it - 

just as I was finishing it up the sun actually did finally come out to play,
so we ended the day with glimmering green leaves
shimmering against clear blue skies... 

click on images for closer view


  1. This is incredible. I can see why it took three days!! Beautiful.

  2. Beautiful work Karin! And you timed it perfectly with the sun or vice versa ;)

    Its been raining like crazy here too, and being utterly freezing (on-set of winter). So the last couple of days have been good here, with a little sunshine and being not quite as chilly, which is an excellent reprieve!

  3. Cringing at the thought of your lovely, hurting hands as you worked on this piece.... so eloquent, extraordinary. I hope there is some way for you to get relief so you can continue with ease!
    Your bug rocks, btw!!

  4. wow Carin !!!!
    Its so beautiful !!!!

  5. This piece is so beautiful Karin!
    I know what you mean about the rain. A day or two is great but after that it gets old! : )

  6. Karin incredible. The eyes and how they are crying. I know I will have to use this picture one day.

    It is how I feel. It isn't really the sun, it is me.

    By the way, all of my sisters would kiss you and cuddle you like there was no tomorrow.

    Love Renee xooxxo

  7. Thanks Seth!

    Sounds like we're having similar wether in our opposite seasons Svasti. I can't believe the nip in the air, just days from our summer. The heat still kicks on some nights!

    Hi Patti, Yeah, my hands want some sunshine, too!! will be checking into your heads up treatment on friday - will let you know. Thanks!

    Thanks so much Maria!

    Hi Manon, thank you, and yes, we're now at nearly 3 times more rain than normal for this time of the year, I imagine most everyone is finding it a tad old!! Better than a drought though, right?!

    As I told you, I'd be honored to have you use one of my images Renee!! and you are the sun :) xox

    Hi Donna - good day my friend ☼

  8. Beautiful! So much detail....a meditation.

  9. i think your drawing worked yesterday! there were little peaks of sun bursting through majorly gray skies, just like your mandala! not enough to get on my hammock though - but it was damp anyway... so here's hoping for today! thanks for invoking the sun my friend. xoj


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