Monday, January 5

The Story of India

I'll be getting today's pages up in the morning - I was too engaged with PBS tonight, and tied up with computer fixes today, to get very far on my journal.  
Thankfully, all computer glitches have been reconciled!  Sometimes you just have to pretend the past never happened and start all over anew - which is exactly what I did.  
There's a lesson in there somewhere ;^) 

I thought I'd share a taste of what kept me enthralled for the past two hours. 
There are several parts left to the series, and I highly recommend giving it a watch. 
A visual, historical feast for the senses...


  1. I understand your fascination completely. I watched this with great envy- wouldn't it be wonderful to be there? But how nice that we get to see it; a visual feast indeed. By the way, have you by any chance found a site where you can view the photos?

  2. Looks enthralling indeed ! Will keep an eye out for the next part ! Just beautiful !

  3. Yes Sharmon - just click on the title of this post and it will take you to the PBS site. From there, right next to the Story of India title is a photo gallery link!
    I'm sure you'd find it worthwhile Kim :)

  4. The invisible draw of India includes her mysterious energy. Her people and culture encourage us to review how we think, feel and live. I am grateful you have opened our eyes to this particular worldly perspective. You never cease to amaze your readers with the topics you choose to invite them to awaken in new ways.

  5. I haven't watched the segment on India yet, but I must say you have quite a companion in Zack! What a great cat - I have one (Tucker) who keeps me company at night but I don't see him much during the day.
    Wish you could be more comfortable but I'm glad you've found a compromise - what a great space! And love the pages! I'm trying to do more journaling (kids went back to school yesterday so I'm trying to do a lot of things!!) so thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Thanks Liara, you're very generous. Your writing also reminds me - for interested viewers that aren't seeing this aired as we are in the US, it is already available on PBS via dvd, which can be reached via the link at the post title.

    Hi Patti, Zack has become a full time appendage! Though I kick him out at night :) I love the name Tucker - I had a sweet bird with that name, for a number of years - he spent the majority of his time either tuckin' his head in my shirt, behind my ear or where ever he could stick it to be close!
    Yes, I am very fortunate to have such a space to recup and create in. I look forward to seeing your journal creations in the new year!


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